Professional Communities

We support industry wide expert collaboration at scale. You can create a new community as an organizer or join an existing community as a member. We provide the technology platform and community enabling services.

Shawn N.

"The best way to learn is to learn from experts."

Collaboration at Scale

Community members share their expert best practices via online events (webinars, presentations, workshops, roundtables), content sharing, chat, quiz, newsfeed and other methods readily available on our platfrom out of the box.

Community Roles

Community members participate and contribute to collaboration in the roles of organizers, speakers and sponsors.

Members benefit from presentations, events, chats, and content sharing.

Organizers plan, coordinate and manage the events and content.

Speakers present in the events on the topic of their expertise.

Sponsors provide financial support to industry communities.

Organize a Community

Follow an established and proven process to set up and grow a professional community.

Technology Platform

  • The platform enables flexible configuration of community events, courses, chat, feed, pages, quizes, etc.
  • The platform has tools and automation for promotion and content creation.

Events Promotion

  • We promote your events via advertising, cold email, LinkedIn, and other channels.
  • We use viral marketing strategies to distribute your content using social media and advertising.

Content Management

  • We take care of pre- and post-event content design, creation and publishing.
  • We leverage all content types including video, images, articles, chats, etc.

A Win-Win for Everyone

Professional communities is a great source for:

  • Expert advice
  • Best practices
  • Latest news
  • Vendor evaluation

Develop Your Expertise

Shawn N.

The best way to learn it to learn from experts in their functional area. I am getting first hand informaiton from people who are practitioners in their space.

Donna B.

I built many valuable professional relationships with colleagues in the industry. This allowes me to solve problems faster by finding optimal solutions.

John T.

I joined several communitis in different functional areas. This gives me direct access to the latest and most advanced best practices and tools on the market.

Gilbert W.

I contributed as a speaker several times. I could collect valuable feedback and receive practical advice from other people dealing with the same problems I do.

Emma D.

I could complete software evaluation and selection projects much faster. The help I received from community members was invaluable.

Terry G.

I enjoy roundtables with multiple other experts. It gives me the most comprehensive and state of the art information on the subjects we discuss.

Kelly S.

Meeting with members of our community is very engaging and enjoyable. I share my perspective while learning from others. It helped me immensely on several projects.

Rob L.

I advice my team to participate in professional community events to broaden their perspective and benchmark their own expertise with what is out there.

Judy Y.

I found unprecedented professional growth opportunities for myself by engaging with other members of the community. This resulted in a promotion at my company.

Eilene J.

My colleagues recommended me to join their community. It became for me the best available mechanism for professional advancements.

Talk To Us

Please contact us to schedule a meeting and obtain additional information about the community platform and services.